====== Rumours You Hear Throughout The Month ====== * "You're kidding? Noneapple is actually... actually properly alive and back and in the city? Leading worship? Oh right- heresy, okay- Fire Cult stuff anyway-" * "Munia has barely been seen since her release... what is she up to?" * "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SETTING FIRE TO THE OLD CITY WAS WATCH BUSINESS? HOW COULD THAT BE- Oh Jasminder told you to do it. Right then." * "I think it's good for him, you know? To have someone to talk to... He's not taken everything well and Adverse has helped, I think..." * "The Sky Serpents continue to grow! Blessed be the Sky!" ====== Silas Does Not Give A Sermon This Month ====== Rumour has it, the news that this may not be your own planet has shaken him.