====Rumours that Spread through the Sons, Daughters, and Children in the last three months==== * "The new settlement is lovely! There are animals and vines and the buildings are glass so you can see the sky- there's just one hitch. I //think// the bureaucrats are setting up a settlement opposite." * "Water seems to be returning our memories to us - did you hear, during the purification ritual by the river, they saw visions of their past!" * "Did you hear, Adverse Camber is our representative for the Council? I know she can't speak but everyone's pretty sure she'll do a great job." * "Have you seen the fires burning in the East side of town? I keep seeing burnt people everywhere..." * "THE EARTH IS REJECTING OUR SACRIFICES. BODIES ARE RISING FROM THEIR GRAVES. WHAT DID WE DO TO ANGER NATURE THUS." ====Silas Gives a Sermon==== //"Now I know y'all are frightened. I know y'all are scared, scared of what's happening here, and I ask you now, why? Why do you fear what Nature has wrought? Have we not purified ourselves? Have we not dedicated ourselves to Nature, committed our bodies to the Earth? Are those bodies not Nature's to repossess as it sees fit? Why fear this change? We have made ourselves new in the light of Nature and Nature will protect us. It is only the non-believers who should be afraid, if this is indeed an act of righteous anger against technology worshipers, and not a gift that Earth has given up our dead so they might return to us! Think on this, friends: we have nothing to fear from these creatures."//