====== The Neighbourhood Watch - Turn 11 News ====== ===== A Firey Problem ===== After escaping custody, Noneapple submitted to a Watch guard in place of Munia, but was able to give them the slip. Although the Watch is currently unaware of her location, and she was briefly thought dead, her guard has since noted that she was building a decoy from a corpse to act as a decoy in case of assassination. On a probably related note, a number of monument citizens were arrested by the Watch after being driven out of their homes by a fire. If this was caused by Noneapple, Abigail is demanding an explanation of the situation and she wants it yesterday. ===== Unrest in the ranks ===== Largely thanks to mediation on the part of Apollo, it seems that more of the Watch are willing to operate under a set of laws, rather than acting without regard for any such rules. However, it has also been noted that a majority still wish to see first hand that these laws work with regards to protecting others, owing to the recent failure of the Watch to deal with certain threats. ===== An Announcement ===== The following announcement has been released. The Neighbourhood Watch must decide how to respond to this, as the fallout of this event could endanger most of Monument. //'In the early hours of this morning, a woman named Afia Nakato died. This came as a direct result of an attack on the community residing in the upper Canyon. This attack was coordinated by Councilors and Ministers of Monument in collaboration with the dwellers of the lower Canyon and an organisation called 'Team Red' led by Jasminder 100% Chatterji Cotton. It is believed that the attack was orchestrated by ex-Councilor Pearl in an attempt to cut off support coming from the Canyon for the Trident's new representative, Councilor Malachite.\\ \\ 'Despite the best efforts of the Army of New Monument to calm the situation, many lost their lives in the assault.\\ \\ 'I want it known that I will personally ensure that every man, woman, and person, who had a hand in this unprovoked assault and in the murder of an innocent and unarmed civilian, will be brought to justice.'\\ \\ Matteo Casiano, commander of New Monument Army, Ranged Combat Division//