====Rumours You Pick Up From the Watched==== * "Some guy is calling himself the host of the Games-" "Wait, aren't there two of them?" "Yes but this one is //hosting games//. I hear he's got food and water stockpiled for prizes and he's digging a really large pit on the South Side of the City? And Lola was with him?" * "Did you see the play? //Well//, I'm not a theatre critic but it was quite a spectacle! I heard Moonlight was just darling as the star. And Remus Craw as the narrator..." * "Isn't the Moonlight theatre beautiful? I hear Pastel decorated it..." * "Have you heard? Some man came back from the forest raving about being promised prizes, something about there being so much food?" * "Do you know, Merribel completely trashed the play? She wrote a review and has been handing it out to everyone."