=====Zombungus===== Actual Name: Zombie Fungus + Human Evolution: Zombi->Lvl40->Zombungus->Trade->Zomborg ^ Classification ^ Type ^^ Weight ^ Height ^ Gender ratio (M:F) ^ | Undead Pokémon |Ghost|Grass| 65kg | 1.7m| - | ^ Entry | The fungus animating the body has consumed much of it to form an armour, protecting the nerves from further damage. Instead of a heartbeat, it hums with the soul's struggle to escape.| ^ HP ^ Attack ^ Defence ^ Sp. Attack ^ Sp. Defence ^ Speed ^ Total ^ |75|95|100|40|50|40|400| Idan's Ramblings: The virus was Cameron's idea as red herring to "what caused the apocalypse?" and we expected the matter to be resolved in a few turns, so we could reveal the Heizar as the "end of term 1 plot twist" that all 2-term games have. We were wrong, and so he decided to up the ante with the "alpha zombies", where the fungus became overgrown and formed armour plating over them. Makes no biological sense, but it is cool.