“My fellows, my people, my flock. We have had hard times thrust upon us. We have been tried again and again. And we have faltered. As many of you know by now, many of our number have been seduced by that heresiarch, Munia, who claims the Sun to be greater than all, and I ask you now! Have we not seen the power of each Aspect in its turn? Have we not seen the blessings and curses of Nature in all their forms? To ignore The Earth, the Sky, and Water is to invite their wrath upon us! And now, see, the Sun turns on us too with the chill that grips the air and paralyses the soul!
“For too long we have been lenient. For too long we have hesitated, we have allowed technology to creep into our lives in all its small forms. Why, I know Children as devout as any other who have told me that the screens where we meet are a force for good! Do not be misled! Why do you think Nature punishes us so? Takes our memories a second time, floods our settlements, blows our buildings down, rejects our sacrifices, and freezes the ground so that no roots can grow there? It is because we have fallen. We have not learnt from our mistakes. We have allowed technology to flourish in the city of Monument.
“And so I say to any true believers we have left here. Do your duty unto Nature. Remove this foul abhorrence from this world and celebrate Nature, in all its aspects!”