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eternity [2018/03/06 13:31]
gm_cameron [Character Eternities]
eternity [2018/03/07 13:57] (current)
gm_idan [Other Documents]
Line 2: Line 2:
 =====IC===== =====IC=====
 ==== What Happened Next ==== ==== What Happened Next ====
 +  * [[eternity:​Monument]]
   * [[eternity:​New Monument Government]]   * [[eternity:​New Monument Government]]
 +  * [[eternity:​The Truth]]
 ==== Other Documents ==== ==== Other Documents ====
Line 20: Line 22:
   * [[:​brief:​the truth| The Truth]]   * [[:​brief:​the truth| The Truth]]
   * [[:​brief:​heralds_of_new_dunia| The Heralds of New Dunia]]   * [[:​brief:​heralds_of_new_dunia| The Heralds of New Dunia]]
 +====Bonus Material====
 +  * [[https://​​open?​id=1Lw1KU2Mv1AsGnvnDPC-zF_0CKxRSwo5f | Dandelion Trailer]] ​
 +  * Captains Logs: [[https://​​watch?​v=xBhH8QL1yDA|1]][[https://​​watch?​v=x-b-QA_J1jM| 2]][[https://​​watch?​v=R5QHOZdaonA| 3]][[https://​​watch?​v=anjBarMHOa8| 4]][[https://​​watch?​v=QBUWdH9oR90| 5]][[https://​​watch?​v=uORO4f4PKtk| 6]]
 +  * Other audio logs: [[https://​​HUQbGrUH_xQ| 1]] [[https://​​FC1DK38mOyc|2]]
 =====Character Eternities===== =====Character Eternities=====
   * [[eternity:​Adverse Camber]] - Jenny W   * [[eternity:​Adverse Camber]] - Jenny W
Line 58: Line 67:
   * [[eternity:​Wynn Thornton]] - Philip B   * [[eternity:​Wynn Thornton]] - Philip B
-=====Bonus Material===== 
 =====OC===== =====OC=====
eternity.1520343106.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/06 13:31 by gm_cameron