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start [2017/10/07 21:45]
gm_cameron [Details]
start [2017/10/13 10:02] (current)
gm_cameron [Details]
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 The GM team would appreciate if all characters could be submitted before 23:59 Wednesday 11/10/17, but you're still welcome to come along and create a character if you find us after this time. The GM team would appreciate if all characters could be submitted before 23:59 Wednesday 11/10/17, but you're still welcome to come along and create a character if you find us after this time.
-Sessions run Tuesdays, from 7:30 - 10:00pm in the [[Oscar Wilde Room]] at Magdalen College. There will be people ​at the main gate of the college ​to guide you. You may arrive from 7:00pm.+Sessions run Tuesdays, from 7:30 - 10:00pm in the [[when_and_where|Daubney Lab]] at Magdalen College, next to the Botanical Gardens. There will be people ​around ​to guide you. You may arrive from 7:00pm.
 Please don't hesitate to email the organisers at [[]]. You can also subscribe to the OURPGSoc mailing list at [[]]. Please don't hesitate to email the organisers at [[]]. You can also subscribe to the OURPGSoc mailing list at [[]].
start.1507412701.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/07 21:45 by gm_cameron