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This page is to give you an idea of who each GM is and which NPCs they've played. If you're not sure which GM you need to contact for a specific query, just email the GM team.

Pronouns have been included for each of the NPCs. Please note that “they” will be singular unless stated as otherwise. Note that all emails to any GM goes to the rest of the GMs, so your email is not private to any one person.

Cameron (He/Him)

Cameron is the CAMPO, or head GM. If you have any issues with the rest of the GM team which you wish to discuss confidentially, then please talk to him or contact him using his personal email:

Name Pronoun Description Costume Sessions
??? It An interactive terminal inside the room (just me standing behind the podium) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9
CoffeeCo Reward Club They Excitable person who just wants to know what's going on Long blue scarf 1, 3, 4
Finley Price He From the Ministry of Construction Brown wool jacket 1, 2, 4, 6
Now With Extra Suds He Leather Jacket 4
Soft Verges ??? Hi-vis vest 6
??? ??? Looks suspiciously like CoffeeCo Scarf 6

Chris (He/Him or They/Them)

Name Pronoun Description Costume Sessions
Abigail Bruck She/Her Cell coordinator of the Neighbourhood Watch Bulky brown jacket 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Zachariah They/Them Quartermaster of the Neighbourhood watch Goggles and bright clothing 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Zara Dean She/Her Minister of Health Glasses and cape 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Heather She/Her Merribel's lackey Cape and scarf 3, 4
Shoot the Moon He/Him Partygoer Belt around shoulder 4, 5, 6
Dace She/Her Urchin Red and black coat thing 4, 5, 6
Andi Koury They/Them Bureaucrat from the Ministry of health. Robe-like clothing
Fleur de Mercier She/her

Declan (He/Him)

Name Pronoun Description Costume Sessions
Freeman SerranoHe/himFounder of the Heralds of New DuniaBlack suit jacket1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
Harry SwiftseekerHe/himExplorer, nature-lover, HumanitarianBrown tweed-looking hat1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Library CardHe/himLibrarian working for the BureaucratsGrey waistcoat1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
MyraShe/herScavenger and trader, apparently from out of MonumentYellow scarf2, 3
Super UnleadedThey/themCanyon-dwelling hooliganBlack tie, worn as bandana4, 5, 6, 7, 8
ColetteShe/herHunterBlack shirt7, 8
Caroline EarnshawShe/herTerrified citizen of MonumentBlack hat8
Batteries Not IncludedHe/himCivic leader from Sector FourTie, worn as tie9

Idan (He/Him)

Name Pronoun Description Costume Sessions
Ealish Tunark She/Her Head of Human Resources for the Humanitarian Movement Clipboard, buttoned white shirt 1-9,11,12
ClubsHe/HimBureaucrat, trying to help build buildings Black jumper, tear tattoo beneath right eye1-5
Keep DryHe/Him Guy with prosthetic right arm silver ribbons and chain around arm1-4,9
Danger Mines! They/Them Head of the Department of Fabulous Fashiona “Danger Mines!” sign over the latest fashions.1-9,11,12
The Wizard He/HimA wizardA black and red cape, and a hat2,3,5,6,8,9
Marissa KhanShe/HerA well-dressed lady who lives in the forest with her friendsWears a scarf and has one of those elbow scarf things3,4,5,6,7,8,11
GlowHe/HimMember of the Unchaineda sleeveless jacket with no shirt underneath4,6,7,9
Remain IndoorsHe/HimHis right arm doesn't workis cyberneticRight arm in a makeshift slingCloth tied around bicep, silver ribbon around wrist1)5-9,11,12
HexatIta random Hexatsticky note label with Hexat on it8
Boggle/RiverfangIta random Riverfang/Hexatsticky note labeled, two pieces of twined string to make a tail9
Snow-Torture-Flower???A lizard-person/HeizarHat and gloves, lizard pin11,12

Jay (They/Them)

Name Pronoun Description Costume Sessions

Zac (He/Him)

Name Pronoun Description Costume Sessions
Gordon Jameson He/Him Stern but passionate founder of The Neighbourhood Watch Brown coat and umbrella 1-4
Breeze Barton He/Him Head of the investigative branch of The Truth Brown jacket and hat 1-4
Dry Clean Only He/Him Passionate rave enthusiast Keen new member of the Watch Unbuttoned shirt and scarf-headband 1,3
Shrir Evan He/Him Kindly Humanitarian Craftsman Goggles 2
Pearl She/her Blunt Trident Representative Jacket and necklace 3,4


Candice (She/Her)

Name Pronoun Description Costume Sessions

Katy (She/Her)

Name Pronoun Description Costume Sessions
Petra Boyanova She/Her A vocal member of the Heralds Brown hat 1
Sophia Day She/Her The founder of the Bureaucrats Black waistcoat 1, 3, 4
Gordon Cook He/Him The cook for the Humanitarians Brown jacket 1, 3
Munia She/Her A member of the Sons, Daughters, and Children Yellow scarf 3, 4
Key He/Him Unchained Black and red coat 3, 4
Lola She/Her Navy scarf 4
1) no, it's not confusing at all when Keep Dry's phys rep is so similar, I don't know what you're talking about
npcs.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/21 20:04 by gm_idan