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Playground permit? Is this close enough?
A place to experiment with Wiki syntax, post memes, jokes, and other silly things.
O f u! >:( >:(
Shipping Forecast Forecast: No shipping forecast yet
Should this really be the “Aftermath” “playground,” considering that the dictat is that we don't do nouns very well at all?
Water. Earth. Sun. Sky. Long ago, the four sectors lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Cult attacked.
Only the Serpenty, master of all four Aspects, could stop them. But when the world needed her most, she vanished.
CIT: Wow! Nobody's ever called me normal before!
Dan Shampoo: I asked it if it was broken and it said 'error'.
Rafael: I didn’t use a “splint” and “bandages.” I used a stick and some wrappy stuff.
Guinevere: You know, I probably found you really annoying back when you were my sister
Guinevere: She burned people to death and put the corpses in my road! *end session*
Moonlight: It literally wouldn't adhere to any part of me!
Apollo: That is, if the rules of tag included one person being on fire
Noneapple: Oh, it wouldn't just be one person by the end.
Starchild: Vanguard would revolt against his own hat if he thought it was keeping him down.
Samantha: I've seen Key's enormous earth-serpent.
Clover Leaf: Yeah, it has giant teeth.
Samantha: …I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing.
Turnsheet: “If only you could tattoo shrapguns.”
Turnsheet: “When asked if that was necessary, you chide him, stating that you’re a doctor and know what you’re doing”
Start of turnsheet action: “I'm trusting Moonlight…”
Turnsheet: ‘you can't save all of your patients, so you even have some Dunian flesh…’
“They are swirly mischeivious colours”
“Diplomatic incident.”
Vice: “So… you still think we all come from the Sun, then. Do you think the lizards came from the Sun too, or are they bound to a different element?”
Noneapple: “They're different. They're… I don't know, Earth-dust, I suppose. But we're Sun-dust. We're atoms. And I'm going to try and set my atoms free. [pause] You know, there's probably a better way of saying that.”
Cameron: I can 100% promise you that we didn't give any nuclear warheads to players in turn one.
Tom: If people can't be bothered to fill out the appropriate post-mortem paperwork then it's not my fault if I don't know about it.
My boyfriend: The only difference between you and Starchild is that she’s dead.
Dave: We are saving peoples' lives by throwing poop-dirt on them!
Cynthia: what if I called the people of the Night Temple Night Templars?
Cameron: all I'm saying is that you can try and squeeze as much brain surgery as you like into one move, but…
Idan: People die when they are killed.
Aleaha: But we didn't see Serpenty have sex!
Aleaha: Rate your lizard attraction from House to the Captain Anna: I'm a solid captain Anna: I'm not a scaly but I would absolutely fuck the Heizar
GUINEVERE: Listen to me, everyone. Please. I'm known for monologues that sum things up at the end of session. I'm Minister for Transport, which means I'm a good person. Let's not surrender to our basest instincts. I know times are tough, but I'm sure if we band together and really concentrate on the problem at hand, we can, as a group of friends- [Screams as NONEAPPLE sets her alight.]
NONEAPPLE: The rule of man is over; now begins the rule of fire. I will no longer be shackled by the civilized society of the forgotten times. This is Monument, and the only law here is flame! The fire wants not for justice. The fire wants not for reason. The fire desires only to be fed!
[Cries of “Feed the fire!” and “The fire is my new god!”]
CIT: I'm so sorry, Guinevere, but the tide has turned and I side with the fire now.
CAPTAIN: It's a cult, and I know what I'm talking about. I learned a little about cults during that year I was studying the Sun Worshippers. 'Cause coincidentally during that year I happened to read a book about cults.
MOONLIGHT: Success is the best revenge.
MERRIBEL: Bullshit. Revenge is the best revenge.
MOONLIGHT: For your crimes against fashion, I sentence you to die.
The Sadiković form is dead, insect. Are you afraid? What is it that you fear? The end of your trivial existence? When the history of my glory is written, your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence.
[Walls open to reveal screens everywhere you look.]
Ravenheart: This session, I lost my dear friend Rafi.
RAFI: It sounds like you're making a false claim about my life-status. I'd super like to help correct it!
Ravenheart: Sometimes, I can still hear her voice!
Minister for Shipping is Councillor Starchild. Report to her for your Marriage Designation.
… There. I made one. Satisfied? Now everyone needs to ballgown, so we can get some ships on here!
yay :)
Change of Heart - Guinevere/CIT
This Would Never Work OC - Moonlight/Noneapple
Bad ad-vice - Vice/Noneapple
Romance by Committee - Gwen/Pearl
Hurricanes in 2 to 6 months1)
ERROR. Further forecast not available.
This is a matter for HR.
Stoned - Rock/Fabric
Unlock my heart - Samantha/Key
Sparks Fly (& Are Extinguished) - Noneapple/Fire Blanket
Showtime - Moonlight/Mr Jack Daniels
Gwoonlight - Moon/Gwen (because awful is an appropriate substitute for creativity)
Wait, we're married? - Rafael/Noneapple
How'd it get burned? - Read/Noneapple
Starlight - Starchild/Moonlight (Such a pretty name for such an awful ship)
Safehouse For Sale - Vice/House (We've hardly even talked, I just liked the name.)
Windswept Hair - Dandruff/Breeze
The Best Ship - Captain Ferrill/Someone that will stay alive?2)
Pipe Up! - Piper/Adverse Camber
Seeing Red - Jasminder 100%/Captain Ferrill
Mafia - Matteo/Afia (this was supposedly unintentional)
Is it bestiality?-Human/Heizar
Shnine - Shine Dust Bug/Nine
RaynForest - River Forest Gem/Ray
TreeHouse- River Forest Gem/ House For Sale
A place to speculate wildly about what is actually going on…
Has anyone else been finding the Colourblind quirk hard to remember? I have already repeatedly referred to seeing the colours of things, and it's only turn 1.
I've been finding it hard to not have the Quirk when I'm OC colourblind…
Are you with 🌑Team Rock🌑 or 📜Team Fabric📜? Please tally your results below, and no cheating/inventing some weird third category! All things in the universe are one or the other!
🌑: II
📜: I
… Sand is definitely tiny rocks
Ooh! Ooh! What about ashes? Asking for a friend. :Hmm. I think if sand is disputable, ashes /in themselves/ are fairly rocky; but it's in a kinda liminal state between the two, especially because charcoal is definitely rock, and clear indication of the deep-seated rockiness of all organic matter.🖤
Since our memories started functioning again, we can recall words we've passed around amongst ourselves. We probably remembered them correctly: we just have this feeling. And hey, even if they aren't exactly the same as the words from Before, we're using them now, right? So, let's list our favourite Aftermath words that our characters just know they're using correctly…
What's a zombie?
Accuracy of information not guaranteed.
Warning for not really explicit nudity but quite explicit absurdity.