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Rumours that Spread through the Congregation this Month

  • “Someone performed a play of the Life and Times! I heard it was wonderful- and Silas spoke! Do you think it helped jog Moonlight's memory?”
  • “The Earth is accepting our sacrifices! The things we bury are disintergrating into her! Isn't it amazing?”
  • “Someone's spreading rumours that Nature is going to destroy us all again - what have we done wrong?”
  • “Did you see the person wandering around- covered in burns- they're claiming they were Chosen-”
  • “Water is flowing into the city! Only a little but still! Praise Nature!”

Silas Adams also gives a sermon:

“Folks, now I know you heard a few things about people's memories… Now I don't want y'all fretting. We know that Nature took our memories because we could not be trusted! We were not strong enough to resist the evils of technology, to resist the ways of life that seem to make life easier, but easy is not right- easy is not good! Everything that is worthwhile requires effort, it requires sacrifice. I know y'all hear rumours. I know that people believe the waters are washing back the past. But folks, if we are being given our memories back then it is because we are trusted. We are stronger now! We know the truth, we know the way! And we will not be tempted away from our purpose. We will not be led astray. And we will not stop until this new society of ours realises the danger they are putting us all in by seeking these contraptions of metal and steel - these monstrosities of electric!”

brief/sdc/news_1.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/24 09:29 by gm_cameron