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Rumours that pass through the Children

  • “The fire creatures aren't really on fire - wait, what? Do we still praise the sun for them?”
  • “Half the fire temple was destroyed! A fire got out of - well not control we don't control fire, obviously. It just got a bit larger than expected. We're really not sure if it's a blessing or wrath…”
  • “The Sky seems to be telling us to go to the Earth but the Earth has a lot of weird unfriendly creatures…”
  • “Heresy is spreading…”
  • “Adverse Camber wants to know if there's any issues we want to bring to Council. Anything you want to put forward?”

Silas' sermon remains the same. The animosity between those who follow him and the Fire Cult is growing. And some of those most loyal to Silas have been going missing.

Munia Gives this Sermon

“I am glad to see so many who have converted to the most rightful faith. It will not be long now until we claim Monument and all its inhabitants for the Glory of the Sun! Those who do not believe will tremble and we shall know the Sun's true power.”

brief/sdc/news_5.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/21 12:45 by gm_jay