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Humanitarian Movement News 4

Armour Produced

John Hexat has succeeded in making hardened leather from fluffin pelts, and managed to work it into the form of armour. While it has yet to be tested, he is confident it should provide some modicum of protection against wild beasts, shamblers and weapons.

Fur Clothing

Thanks to the hard work of Wynn Thornton, we have began the production of clothes from cloudfang fur, which is kindly being provided by some Children who have a perd of the creatures. Production is somewhat limited by the availability of the fur, so the next step should be to increase the number of the creatures we have access too, preferably by having a perd here in the Humanitarian compound.

Additionally, John and Wynn have figured out how to make clothing from the pelts of the fluffin we have been growing. The main issue there is that those pelts are also used in the production of leather.

Medical Research Underway

Our Council representative, Martin Fuller, has lead a team effort into researching cures for this Shambling Plague, to both cure those bitten of their infections and to return the dead to their unmoving state. Research is currently inconclusive, and more assistance is welcome, as always.

Looking To The Future

  • Continuing research into the Shambling Dead Situation
  • Continuing research into medicine
  • Getting more cloudfangs
  • Investigate the creatures that migrated to the river
  • Deal with the armourascals running rampant in north-western Monument, attacking people and tearing up buildings
  • Continuing rebuilding efforts. Shelters are good in the short term, but proper housing will do wonders for morale
brief/the_humanitarian_movement/news4.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/15 17:11 by gm_idan