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The Neighbourhood Watch - Turn 13 News

We're Not Dead

Monument didn't explode, and we have a number of our people to thank for that, along with many more concerned citizens who all pulled together to avert the disaster. It just goes to show that when it's all on the line, the people of Monument are capable of pretty amazing things.

That and, well, we live here. Having it explode would be something of an inconvenience, right? Still, commendations to everyone involved. You did good.

Home Sweet Home

For those of you wondering why we only have a skeleton crew at the Watchtower, our main force and prisoners have been relocated to Trident. Much more secure and easily defended. Many thanks to Read Instructions First and Apollo for helping take it from Numba 1 G's cronies.

A number of former Trident members loyal to Pearl have surrendered to the Watch, and after being screened by Apollo and Jameson, a number of them have joined our forces.

Looking to the Future

Maurice Antigny of the Bureaucrats Department of Foreign Affairs recently called together a meeting of the leaders of the various groups within Monument, with the intention of looking into forming a more coherent governing body.

Jameson attended on behalf of the Watch, and reports that it seems that if the idea can get enough public support, it would be worth pursuing. If this does go ahead, it will likely mean that the legislative and judiciary duties we have taken on will be handled by other groups while the Watch focuses on enforcement.

Trial Results

Matteo Casiano

Charges: blackmail, extortion, intimidation
Verdict: Guilty
Sentence: Death
Current Status: Escaped. Standing orders are to bring in dead or alive.


Charges: Destruction of property, murder, inciting violence
Verdict: [N/A: Trial was deemed unnecessary due to extraordinary circumstances]
Sentence: [N/A: See above] Current Status: Deceased.


Charges: Murder of Rafi Sadiković
Verdict: Defendant was determined to have not been able to properly discern if the victim was alive at the time.
Sentence: Community Service
Current Status: Carrying out sentence

brief/the_neighbourhood_watch/news13.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/27 14:47 by gm_chris