“The new guards for the council are just so stylish- and have you heard their names? The Starlings - I love it!”
“Did you hear, a number of prominent Watched figures have been invited to join a highly exclusive Dining Society? I hear they meet in the woods…”
“Noneapple nearly burnt to death at that party! Quite the show, let me tell you.”
“Have you seen the Zebras the Thunderdome is keeping in holding? What- ZBees? I'm pretty sure they're called Zebras.”
“Those people in the caves throw great parties - have you been?”
“It was just scandalous, I tell you. You could see the flames from inside the theatre. I think they were burning paperwork. Very exciting end to a show, anyway.”
“Yes, the theatre is running all week now! Isn't it marvellous?”
brief/the_watched/news_4.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/14 13:15 by gm_jay