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Rumours You Pick up through the Watched

  • “The new guards for the council are just so stylish- and have you heard their names? The Starlings - I love it!”
  • “Did you hear, a number of prominent Watched figures have been invited to join a highly exclusive Dining Society? I hear they meet in the woods…”
  • “Noneapple nearly burnt to death at that party! Quite the show, let me tell you.”
  • “Have you seen the Zebras the Thunderdome is keeping in holding? What- ZBees? I'm pretty sure they're called Zebras.”
  • “Those people in the caves throw great parties - have you been?”
  • “It was just scandalous, I tell you. You could see the flames from inside the theatre. I think they were burning paperwork. Very exciting end to a show, anyway.”
  • “Yes, the theatre is running all week now! Isn't it marvellous?”
brief/the_watched/news_4.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/14 13:15 by gm_jay